World Nomads: Talks
Claude Grunitzky on Transculturalism
In May, FIAF launches World Nomads , a series that examines the cross-cultural exchange of ideas,artistic expression, and style. This transcultural journey begins in contemporary Africa bringing artists together for engaging programs considering Africa's cultural impact on France and the rest of the world.
The modern metropolis as cosmopolitan utopia, the savvy city dweller as cross-cultural flâneur — these are the dreams Claude Grunitzky, acclaimed editor of Trace magazine. Join FIAF for a night of inspired conversation, centered on the French-language release of Mr. Grunitzky’s new collection of essays, personal recollections, and photos,Transculturalismes.
The primary genesis of Trace magazine, transculturalism explores Mr. Grunitzky’s vision of urban space as a place where diversity coalesces rather than collides, where cultural borrowings gradually erode the edges of difference to forge a world of true universality.
Claude Grunitzky: The son of a Togolese ambassador, Claude Grunitzk y was raised between Lomé, Togo; Washington, D.C.; Paris, France and London, England. Growing up, Mr. Grunitzky, who speaks six languages and carries two passports, was exposed to many different cultures. These foreign interactions shaped his transcultural philosophy and informed the creative energy of Trace magazine. Trace fuses aggressive reporting, arresting visuals and savvy promotion to support an editorial vision that is unafraid to question the most trendsetting and avant-garde breakthroughs in global youth culture.